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Fwd: Dog Needing Home...

From: Jon
Sent on: Saturday, May 30, 2009, 11:44 PM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Melody Purdy <[address removed]>
Date: Sat, May 30, 2009 at 11:31 PM
Subject: Dog Needing Home...
To: [address removed]

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* It was sent to you by: Melody Purdy (User ID: user[masked])

* Melody Purdy requested a response. To respond simply reply to
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What Melody Purdy wrote:
Hi Jon! ?i'm still new to TN and haven't met many people yet.
I know someone who is keeping a dog of theirs outdoors and
garage bound since they have had a baby. ?Is there a way to
post this to see if anyone would be wanting to take the dog?
They are trying to prevent from taking him to a shelter but I'm
afraid it may come to that soon since it's been months since
he's been outdoors. ?He is, I think 1/2 shepard 1/2 saint
bernard. ?he is the sweetest dog ever and only wants love. ?He
is a big baby and 4 years old and I would take him myself but i
already have 5 in 700 square feet and it's hard enough. ?He is
up to date on all shots and neutered. ?I just love him. ?If you
have any ideas please let me know. ?If not, maybe there's a way
I can post a bulletin or something. ?Thank you again and my
husband and I are hoping to make the June 10 meetup and I look
forward to meeting fellow vegans here in Tennessee. ?Thanks a
lot! ?Melody