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***Weekly Update***

From: Mitch E.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 20, 2016, 5:18 AM


Good Morning Nashville Filmmakers!


July 17th Meetup Wrap Up. The July meetup was a success. Here's a summary by Steering Committee member Thom King:


Karsten Ferguson did a great job hosting/moderating the panel. 50 people turned out. A lot of people missed as they were recovering from the 48 Hour Film event, but those in attendance seemed to appreciate the panel discussion on costumes and props. The two visiting speakers from Mode (Ciciley Hoffman) and The Nashville Rep Theater (June Kingsbury) were informative and entertaining, providing a nice balance for our own Steven Michael Zack, relating costume nightmares and horror stories, while giving lots of inside tips for stretching budgets and making sure everything looks good and period appropriate. Kevin Fell showed some unedited and non-color corrected clips from Allan McCall's Purloined Guitar short feature, currently shooting, and Neil Ebanks gave his pitch and casting call for his supernatural fire-starter thriller, featuring his two accomplished daughters as the leads. As always, lots of mingling and networking took place after the meeting.


Premiere on Dec 3 from 1 - 5 PM at the Nashville Public Library. The 2016 Nashville Filmmakers Premiere will be at the downtown Nashville Public Library on Saturday Dec 3rd. This is not your father's public library! They have a 230 seat state-of-the-art theater. We will have a reception beforehand and then go to a local restaurant location after. Mark your calendar now and a sign up will go out soon.


Next Meetup Date - TBD


All My Best,

