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New Meetup: Nashville Filmmakers Mixer

From: Gray
Sent on: Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 9:34 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Nashville Filmmakers!

What: Nashville Filmmakers Mixer

When: Tuesday, March 23,[masked]:00 PM

Cafe Coco's Italian Market and Kitchen
51st and Charlotte
Nashville, TN 37209

Time for another Nashville Filmmakers mixer! Come meet and network fellow directors, actors, editors, vfx and makeup people near you. Whether you're a pro or indie, online video or film you're welcome to come and meet fun new people who love filmmaking. Feel free to bring materials/laptops to show upcoming and current projects. We will be meeting at the Italian Market in West Nashville. Both pros and indies welcome. When you enter the restaurant look for the table with the Nashville Filmmakers sign. Please come and participate in Nashville's Film scene.


(Please thank our host Coco's Italian Market by trying some of their wonderful food. Look forward to seeing all of you!)

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