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Authentic Awakening: Timeless Wisdom in Daily Life with spiritual teacher, Thomas Hubl

From: Robyn V.
Sent on: Monday, December 8, 2014, 11:34 PM

Hi Beautiful!

Please join me and several others from the our community for an evening of Authentic Awakening: Timeless Wisdom in Daily Life with spiritual teacher, Thomas Hubl.

Some of the questions he will be answering are:

What does it mean to awaken in the midst of our daily lives while attending to our work, our families, our passions, and our challenges?

To accept and include the tensions and conflicts of life into our spiritual practice, rather than relating to them as obstacles?

How can we cultivate a spiritually aligned life in the post-modern 'marketplace' with all the aliveness and intensity of a monk in a sacred cave?

How do we risk communicating with each other in a way that allows for the highest potential to manifest between us?

Please join me for an evening with Thomas Hübl -- a conversation exploring the spiritual practice of profound compassion, transparency, fierce love and tenderness with ourselves and each other.

Thomas is down-to-earth,  approachable, clear and very committed to helping others fully awaken.

I've listened to his talks this year and am really excited to be in his presence on Wed night.  He is very engaging.

I hope to see you there!

You can buy your ticket ($20) here or just come to the door:

7 pm Wed Dec 10th
First Parish of Watertown Unitarian Universalist, 35 Church St.

With Love,

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