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Re: [atheists-767] Educational topics...religion and atheism

From: Charlotte
Sent on: Saturday, August 28, 2010, 9:51 AM
This is a great idea, but we would need to find a location that would allow for discussion. As we've noticed, even the best bars with the quietest music, don't make serious discussion formats very easy.

So, we would need to find a comfortable location where we could have a discussion or seminar without disturbing others (but with access to refreshments of some sort, if possible).

If any of you know about the meeting space at local library or a coffee shop with side rooms or other similar space that is available to the public (at no cost hopefully), let me know and we can arrange something separate from our regularly scheduled socials.

Excellent idea....we just need to make it happen.

On 8/28/2010 9:14 AM, Tom Hannie wrote:
At some point maybe we could profit from having a discussion, or a presentation, of how religion evolved, what religion has contributed to the evolution of society, what problems religion has presented, etc etc.



From: Rusty <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Sat, August 28,[masked]:18:48 AM
Subject: Re: [atheists-767] disclaimer

I have been thinking for some time; and recent comments confirm; We should have an enlightenment/educational Meetup. What religion  and atheism is and isn't. metaphysical/Existential  theories, prudent ethical and philosophical etiquette, discussion on how religion has a destructive influence on individuals and society, rights vs. privileges or wishes, what is respect.