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Meetup Update!! Thanksgiving @ Robyn's/After-Feast Game Night

From: Robyn W
Sent on: Monday, October 25, 2010, 1:44 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Twin Cities Night Life Meetup Group!

What: Thanksgiving @ Robyn's/After-Feast Game Night

When: Thursday, November 25,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Robyn's Place
[masked]nd Lane NE
Blaine, MN 55434

No plans for Thanksgiving? Some of us find ourselves without family here in town to spend the holiday with (or, heck, some would rather not spend the holiday with their family), so I'm inviting all my Night Life and Divorce Support friends to join me at my place for the yummiest holiday of the year! This is an adult event, but your teenage children are welcome if you think they will be comfortable in an adult setting.

For those who will be having dinner somewhere else, you are still welcome to join us later for games and/or movie time later in the day. Please bring a snack and beverage to share.

Please indicate in your RSVP if you'll be joining us for DINNER and/or GAMES.

Please only RSVP "yes" to ONE group.

1:00 - 3:00 Pre-Meal Appetizers/Football/Games
3:00 - 5:00 Dinner
5:00-12:00 Game Night/Movies

I'll provide the turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, corn, cranberry pie and coffee. I'm asking for a $5 donation and a potluck side to share with the group.

Donate Here

Here are some potluck food ideas for you to share with the group:

1. Rolls/Bread
2. Veggie tray (celery, carrots, olives, pickles, etc)
3. Side dishes (sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberries, salads, etc.)
2. Dessert (other pies, bars, cookies, etc)
3. Snack foods/Appetizers for snacking on before/after the meal (chips, dip, etc)
4. Beverages (soda, wine, beer, bottled water, ice, etc.)

We can watch whatever sporting event might be of interest (not during the meal, tho, guys) and I have lots of board games on hand, as well. If it's a nice day, I have a big back yard and outdoor games for those interested.

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