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Note about "33 Dates" at Mixed Blood tonight through Sunday

From: Jacquie with a Q
Sent on: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 11:06 AM
Hi, friends! It was great to see so many of you at our opening Sunday. We heard your laughs... and it energized us!

If any of you would like to catch the four remaining shows, I will reserve you great seats if you RSVP on the Meetup pages.

Those of you on the "Maybe list" should confirm by 2 pm if you want a preferred seat.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Mixed Blood is STRICT about late seating. If you are even a minute late, they shut the doors. And the ticket line can be busy, so plan on trying to be there about 20 minutes early if you can.

MIXED BLOOD can be a little tricky to locate. Fourth street is at the Intersection of Cedar. But if you are on Cedar, the sign for the north is Riverside, and to the south is 4th Street. And the street sign is slightly hidden behind a tree from some angles. Once you find South 4th Street, park in the big lot you see immediately to the right. Mixed Blood is a little walk south of there--looks like an old firehouse. The entrance is at the top of a wheelchair ramp.

You may buy tickets at the door for $12, but if you don't have one already, you also need a Fringe Button, which is $4. But I guarantee you will laugh!!

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