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New Meetup: E E Robbins December Diamond Giveaway @ Trend Thursday-For the ladies

From: Michael
Sent on: Monday, November 30, 2009, 9:42 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Seattle Night Life Meetup Group!

What: E E Robbins December Diamond Giveaway @ Trend Thursday-For the ladies

When: December 3,[masked]:00 PM

See Sound Lounge
115 Blanchard St
Seattle, WA 98121

This is a non-hosted event. But I figured the ladies would like to attend.
See Sound Lounge presents, Fashion Week:
We are proud to announce a special December promotional partnership with your local E E Robbins Jewelry provider. For the next 4 weeks:

***The First 75 ladies to buy a $5 rose champagne will receive a diamond each week. Take it into your local E E Robbins store to see if it is real. There will be ONE lucky winner!

Ladies, the promotion starts this Thursday at Trend Seesound so arrive early for your chance to win a Diamond :)

TREND=Accessories-Wear your favorite jewelry, bracelets, rings, etc to Trend Thursday

DJ Johnny Fever is back on the set after Trend taking a week off for Thanksgiving.

Get ready for once again, the biggest Thursday night party in town!

*Limit one drink per customer as we do not emphasis the over consumption of alcohol*

Andy Karuza

Learn more here:

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