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Looking for Asst Organizers

From: Michael
Sent on: Tuesday, January 26, 2010, 9:59 PM
I have had few requests for some "Girls Nite Out" events and was wondering if there are any females in the group that was interested in hosting a few. (If no one wants to, I'll give it a go.) Also, if any of you would like to become an Assistant Organizer for this group let me know, as well. I only have a few requests to become one:

  • Host at least one event every 2 months.
  • You must be there no later than 30 minutes after an event starts
  • Have fun!!!

For those of you who would like to try it out and host just one event, the site allows for that now. So we can have more singular events for those of you who want to get people to come see a local band or anything else without Assistant Organizer Responsibility.

So let me know if you are interested.

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