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From: user 6.
Sent on: Monday, March 17, 2008, 5:14 AM

This is Sanju the Organizer of the group. I am sorry that I have not been around in the past few weeks.

Things have been very hectic for me. I just got my driver's license and now I am in the process of finally getting a car.

I am going to schedule a Meetup in the next couple weeks. Sorry again for not scheduling a Meetup. Also, Meetup tends to run an automated event reminder meaning that even if there is no Meetup, the site will tell you there is one.

This is why I am requesting everyone to email me at my personal email address(NOT MEETUP) which is [address removed]

I am sorry for any inconvenience I caused and I am offering to reimburse the gas fees for those members that DID show up for last time's Meetup.

I will be more careful from now on. I look forward to meeting all of you at our next Meetup.



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