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New Meetup: Because We Just Haven't Karaoked Enough This Year............

From: Calvin R.
Sent on: Sunday, June 28, 2009, 12:49 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Cleveland Nightlife Meetup Group!

What: Because We Just Haven't Karaoked Enough This Year............

When: July 10,[masked]:30 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

That's Right-We're Going To Do This Again.

I haven't thought much about Karaoke lately but a groundswell of people asking for Karaoke just sort of happened the other night. And if a bunch of Nightlifers ask for Karaoke at Corky's who am I to say otherwise?

I just the guy who post these things.

We had 3-4 great nites there last year and have no idea why we haven't been back. So July 10th show up with your favorite songs in mind and get ready to hit the stage. Be aware, or concerned, that I am always ready to jump up as a back up singer.

So Karaoke on Friday and Sutra on Saturday-the makings of an interesting weekend.

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