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No More Maybes and RSVPing

From: Gerard
Sent on: Thursday, December 23, 2010, 3:05 PM
For those of you that may be wondering why you can no longer RSVP maybe Meetup has removed that feature so now you can RSVP either yes or no. Which is good because it is now clearcut if you are coming or not. Which now brings me to the second point of the email. Please RSVP accurately! In often cases we either plan things based on the amount of people or we have to reserve things such as a place for the happy hours, etc. The passed couple of events we has over 30something people registered for one and half showed up, and for another one a little more then half showed up. That puts us as organizers in a bad spot more often then not. If at some point you are not able to go please update your RSVP, it's not hard. We have been and will continue to be marking people of do not show up as "no shows" and will decide how to handle that later on. With that said I am looking forward to the season and seeing you all out there. I posted some links to some upcoming events, hopefully you can make it!

Boozing N' Boarding @ Camelback

Stowe January 7th to 9th

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