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New Meetup: 10-Essentials Training Class/Story Time

From: Wendy B.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 9:14 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Eastside Hikers Meetup Group!

What: 10-Essentials Training Class/Story Time

When: January 17,[masked]:00 PM

Wendita's Ballrooom
[masked]th Ave SE
Bellevue, WA 98006

Let's get together at my house again and discuss the 10-Essentials to have on a hike, I hope to do this one every couple of months for new members and for each season as the needs are different and we can add some extra essentials for different climates.

Please come with a story about a hike in which 'something went wrong'...whether that be an injury or health problem or the weather or something else totally unexpected, and we will see how the 10-Essentials may have helped you get through it a little smoother.

Please PRINT the 10-Essentials from our FILES section and PRINT a WAIVER and sign it and bring to this meeting...or to your next hike, email versions are also accepted.

Looking forward to meeting more of you,

P.S. Graduates of the 10-Essentials class will now be qualified to become assistant organizers if requested.

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