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New Meetup: 2010 Mt Rainier Training Camp Movie

From: Wendy B.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 8:19 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Eastside Hikers Meetup Group!

What: 2010 Mt Rainier Training Camp Movie

When: January 3,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $20.00 per person

Wendita's Studio
[masked]th Ave SE
Bellevue, WA 98006

Have you wanted to train for and climb Mt. Baker, Mt. Adams, or Mt. Rainier?

Have you ever climbed Mt Rainier before and want to do it again?

This is a movie that shows you how to train for Mt. Rainier. We need to watch it now since will train for 6 months and then some of us will attempt to climb those bigger mountains!

For those who did not attend or pay at the previous meeting:
We are charging $20 for this training plan so that we can get serious inquiries only...and even if you decide not to train with us, you will learn much more than $20 worth of hiking skills and preparedness value by watching this movie as well as attending any of the hikes you choose to do with us in 2010.

Come and view the movie/meeting and let us know what your skill level is now and how serious you are about doing this, and we will continue to get acquainted and as we hike together we can form into 4-6 person rope teams of similar skills/speed. There is also the option to do a 1 day hike or a 2-3 day hike plan, we should all make our wishes known on this as we train together.

Disclaimer: As with anything hiking related, you are responsible for your own safety and preparedness and agree to work as a team to insure safety of the entire team at all times on all hikes. Due to weather and individual abilities, and other factors, there is no guarantee of a summit...but we will try more than once if necessary.


Please print out the WAIVER and the 10 Essentials from our FILES bank and bring those along to the meeting.

Additionally, if you are already in the group that attended the last meeting, no need to pay again and if you are on the waiting list, simply email me so that I can get you in.

Learn more here: