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Reminder: NoVA UX Meetup Next Wednesday, June 12th, at 7pm

From: Jim L.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 4, 2013, 11:17 AM

Hi everyone,

This month's NoVA UX meetup is coming up next week, and will be the one-year anniversary of our little meetup group. I'll be giving a short talk about experience maps, and we'll have cake afterwards to celebrate.

I don't yet have a food sponsor for next week's event, so if anyone's organization is interested in providing some pizza for the group please drop me an email at [address removed]

When: Wednesday, June 12th,[masked]:00 PM

Where: AddThis HQ
1595 Spring Hill Road, Suite 300
Vienna, VA 22182

Looking forward to seeing everyone next week!



P.s. please help spread the word about NoVA UX on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or your favorite social network - thanks!


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