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Grow your blog network and become a product design curator on Designer Pages!

From: user 8.
Sent on: Monday, April 26, 2010, 11:47 AM
Happy Monday IDNY'ers!
Got an architecture or design blog? Interested in driving more traffic to your blog, establishing a more authoritative voice about architecture and design online AND contributing editorial content about A+D products to Designer Pages?

In preparation for the deployment of a mega re-design of our Product Detail Pages, Designer Pages recently launched an editorial syndication program wherein we're inviting A+D bloggers to curate collections of their favorite products, help us leverage the collective design wisdom and create a virtuous circle of benefit by sharing our expertise about particular categories or themes of product with one another. If you know a ton about bathtubs and I know everything about task chairs, why not share this knowledge with each other and save ourselves the trouble of duplicating research about product information?!

In exchange for curating a collection of your favorite products in our catalog and embedding a widget of that collection on your blog, we'll surface related editorial content from your blog and publish it across all related Product Detail Pages on Designer Pages.

For more information, take a look at our Collections page and check out collections like "Green Design" curated by Inhabitat or "Cinema Style" by film set and design blogger Cathy Whitlock for inspiration and curatorial direction.

If you're interested in getting involved or know somebody who might be, email me directly at [address removed] (we're also offering $50 for blogger you refer us who decides to participate!). Hope to hear from you and looking forward to seeing everyone on May 13th at Blu Dot!


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