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What we’re about

NYC SuperCollider aims to be the inspiration and the nurture for imaginative persons creating algorithmic, digital music with the SuperCollider tools and programming language.
We are a community of SuperCollider veterans and new interest.  We split our meetings 1/2 listening to those interested to get started and helping them find their way, 1/2 focused on obscure questions at the core of the SuperCollider frameworks and ethos.
Occasionally (roughly once a quarter?), we schedule special events --presentations or performances-- featuring ourselves or worldly talent passing through NYC.
We welcome all discussion and activity related (if sometimes oblique) to the art of SuperCollider design and development, issues of digital sound in general and anything that influences or drives our practice.
As a rule, we make sound at every meeting.  Come to prepared to present something new (even if its not exactly ready!) and/or to discover and learn about how your creativity intersects with SuperCollider development.

Join our message channel on Slack!  #nysc3 (or similar) at workspace .

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Please see our Meetup page for all the ways to CONTACT US:

You may WRITE ON THE WALL of any scheduled meetup... or, use the Meetup email alias...

...or, join our Google Group --!forum/nycsupercollider

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Download SuperCollider and spend some quality time with the tutorials:

Tutorials are here:

Of the tutorials, Cottle's is rather long but extremely thorough.  You could start with Section III to learn programming basics (from the perspective of SuperCollider).  Section II slowly introduces SuperCollider for sound, per se.

Nick Collins' tutorial jumps directly into SuperCollider (similar to Cottle, Section II), and may be more gratifying as you will hear interesting things sooner.

The overview by Wilson and Harkins is also great, but assumes you can pick up new programming structures quickly.