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The Ron Paul Super Brochure Project: End Run Around the MSM!

From: Zak C.
Sent on: Monday, November 28, 2011, 5:41 AM
The Ron Paul Super Brochure is a grassroots project that is spearheaded by Erik Petroni and  as an end run around the Ron Paul MSM media blackout. The plan is to print 10 million brochures to get information about Ron Paul directly into the hands of voters. You can help by ordering brochures to pass out ($70 for 1,000) and/or, go to Ron Paul Products and select from the precinct list where you would like them to be mailed, and it will be done for you!    [masked]
Please check out this video for more information, and help spread the word!
Some supporters are using the brochure as an insert in their local paper!
Get your own supply of Super Brochures at  [masked]
To Victory!  Ron Paul 2012!

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