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Reminder NYC-GTUG Meeting Tomorrow at Google

From: Dario L.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 29, 2010, 3:20 PM
Just a plug for our sibling meetup group, the NYC-GTUG (Google Technologies User Group)

I know many belong to both groups, sorry for the additional posting, but please forward to others who may be interested in these technologies.


The Android NDK and Froyo
Daniel Galpin, Developer Advocate for Andoid

Google Buzz API with Bob Hancock: What is Buzz and how it fits into the Social Graph. How to access Buzz with the new Python API. Plus, OAuth and how it works.

Open to lightning talks from members! Talk for five minutes about your experience with a Google technology.

Google Apps Script application in progress - Lightning Talk.

Refreshments, door prizes - Thanks to Google for the location and refreshments!

RSVP soon as it's filling up:

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