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Full Time CO-OP Application

From: aaloksinghvi
Sent on: Monday, August 9, 2010, 12:21 PM

Job Application Cover Letter

Aalok Singhvi

New York, NY


[address removed]


Dear Sir/ Madam,


I am a student at Illinois Institute Of Technology,Chicago, and interested in working�� on Curricula Practical Training which is a full time opportunity with company.

I do not require visa sponsorship at this time and am available for a full-time position. My GPA is 4.0.

My core skills are in J2EE,Spring and many more which are mentioned in my CV attached.

I am an Information Technology Professional with 2 years of experience with a Marine company named Kongsberg Maritime where I was working as a software engineer.At Illinois Institute Of Technology I am assisting a faculty as a Teaching Assistant.

Please find attached my CV, which also details all my previous work experience and technical skill-set. I am am available for interviews, if given the opportunities.

Thank you,



Aalok Singhvi


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