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[JOB] Art & Logic

From: Brett g P.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 3, 2010, 11:23 AM

Clients around the world come to Art & Logic with challenging custom software development projects. We need creative, bright, passionate people looking for a place to show their chops and learn from other likewise talented people. Currently we are particularly interested in developers with Python experience. This is a telecommuting position; all of our developers work from their homes, interconnected via our workgroup collaboration system.

Art & Logic works on a broad range of projects including:

* Web applications

* Mobile applications for iPhone, Android, and Blackberry

* Media software, including audio, imaging, and Rich Internet Applications

* Desktop applications and plugins for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux

At this time, we are only looking for independent contractors. Qualifying for work at Art & Logic requires the full completion of our recruiting process, but we think the reward of being part of an elite team doing cutting-edge projects for big name clients is worth it.? Visit our website to discover what our developers think!

Key Skills

* Python

* TurboGears


* JavaScript


* Strong communication skills (written and verbal)

Optional Skills

* web services


* UI design and usability

To apply for this position, go to?