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Still Room To Join Us! Shamanic Soul Journeying-An Afternoon Of Healing-With Stephanie Alston Nero

From: Vandana Atara A.
Sent on: Monday, April 30, 2012, 4:00 PM

Basic Shamanic Journeying
This workshop is for those who wish to learn shamanic journeying for practical guidance, insight, and healing. Learn how to enter the spirit world and find your inner teachers, animal allies, angelic and ancestral helpers. Find answers to life's most urgent questions; bring harmony to home, workplace, the land where you live; help loved ones heal and find their path.

***Shamanic Journeying skills are a prerequisite for the Soul Retrieval Intensive***

Saturday, May 5, 12-5PM, $75
Early Registration-Expiration Date-May 3rd- $65-

Soul Retrieval Intensive
Saturdays & Sundays, June 16 & 17, 23 & 24.
$400. Payment plans accepted.
Early Registration Discount $375
Refer a Friend $350-

This workshop is for healers who wish to integrate SR into their practice AND for those called to SR for personal healing. You will learn how to prepare for and perform a soul retrieval; how to tell the healing story of SR to support client healing; SR ethics, integration and life after healing processes. Each participant will receive a SR. Shamanic journeying skills and application required.

Soul Retrieval Certificate of Completion
For healers intending to use SR in their practice who may want post-SR Intensive practice sessions to hone SR skills and confidence - we will arrange practice sessions with coaching from Stephanie. Write up 2 SR case studies and receive Certification of Completion.

"Stephanie is a true artist who weaves spiritual traditions
and life experience in a beautiful way,
creating a depth to her teaching."

-Sandra Ingerman, Author,
Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self

for all Classes
Soul Retrieval
Stephanie Alston-Nero is in private practice in Harlem and Stone Feather Retreat in the Catskill Mountains. She studied SR with Sandra Ingerman in Santa Fe, NM and has taught at the NY Open Center, Faith House, and International Women's Writing Guild, nationally and abroad.

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