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Quick reminder about tonight's NY Green Tech meetup at 6.30pm

From: user 7.
Sent on: Thursday, September 24, 2009, 7:12 AM
This is a quick reminder about tonight's NY Green Tech meetup that takes place at 160 Varick Street courtesy of NYC ACRE.

Presentations will be given by Micah Kotch who heads the NYC Accelerator for a Clean and Renewable Economy (NYC ACRE) followed by presentations from four NYC ACRE in-resident green technology companies: Rentricity, EcoLogic Solutions, ecological, and MJ Beck Consulting. Micah will give a 10 minute presentation introducing NYC ACRE and each of the four companies presenting will give presentations of around 15 minutes about what they do, what problem they solve, why they decided to work with NYC ACRE and what benefits they have gotten from doing so.

Tonight's Schedule
6.30pm - 7.00pm Networking
7.00pm - Presentations start on the dot'
- Micah Kotch head of NYC ACRE
- Four NYC ACRE in-resident green technology startups
8.10pm Questions and Answers
8.30 Close

There will be water and hopefully some cookies available for those attending.

When you arrive we would ask that you drop a business card in the bowl provided so we have an idea of who attended. Thank you.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone and meeting and talking with you.

John Matthews
Organizer of NY Green Tech meetup

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