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From: mike d.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 6:33 PM
Dear NYC R Hackers! 

(Apologies for cross posting!)

I wanted to reach out about a hackathon we're hosting this Friday at bitly (you can learn more and RSVP at It's the first time that a realtime feed of bitly click data is being made available for hacking -- in this case, realtime click data for US government URLs shortened (we wrote a bit about this data on our blog at

The bitly hackathons are great fun, giving you a chance to work on a real-world data set with a great group of hackers, academics and professionals (there's also pizza and cookies). I'd like to encourage you to attend and to see what you can do with the archive of ~56K clicks a day on all the US Government websites. It's a great way to meet the NYC data folk, and to significantly boost your CV with a real-world, super-sexy big-data project. 

Hopefully see you there!

Mike Dewar

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