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Two upcoming events of interest: and Todd Park

From: Drew C.
Sent on: Thursday, July 28, 2011, 2:13 PM
Good afternoon everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and managing to stay reasonably cool.  As you may have noticed, I decided to take a summer hiatus for the group.  Given my own schedule, and the tendency of people to move around a lot during the summer, this made sense.  That, however, does not mean there aren't other great events happening in the city that may be of interest.  There are two in particular that I would like to draw your attention to.

First, those of your also on the NYCML list you will have already seen this, but will be hosting the hackathon tomorrow.  I will be participating, along with several other members of the R community.  Here is a brief description of the event by Mike Dewar from the NYCML list:

I wanted to reach out about a hackathon we're hosting this Friday at bitly (you can learn more and RSVP at It's the first time that a realtime feed of bitly click data is being made available for hacking -- in this case, realtime click data for US government URLs shortened (we wrote a bit about this data on our blog at

The bitly hackathons are great fun, giving you a chance to work on a real-world data set with a great group of hackers, academics and professionals (there's also pizza and cookies). I'd like to encourage you to attend and to see what you can do with the archive of ~56K clicks a day on all the US Government websites. It's a great way to meet the NYC data folk, and to significantly boost your CV with a real-world, super-sexy big-data project. 

Second, on August 12th the NYC chapter of Hacks/Hackers will be hosting Todd Park, CTO fo the Department of Health and Human Services.  Todd will be discussing health innovation and open data.  This also seemed like it would be of interest to the group at-large.

Enjoy the rest of your summer, and see you in the Fall!

- Drew

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