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pecha kucha - tonights meeting - see you there :):)

From: J T.
Sent on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 1:42 PM
Lindsey wrote:

"Um...does anyone have plans to meet at a certain time or place? I don't know anything about the event so I'm not sure how early to get there, or how to find everyone. Thanks!"


I will be there about 715pm - about 5min before the first presentation - I have to work till 7pm tonight. The doors open at 630pm and the first presenter starts at 720pm.

I will be wearing a blue and black ski jacket and have long brown curly hair.

One of my favorite places to eat is around the corner - Asmara - it is an African restaurant - you eat with your hands but really good food. If anyone wants to go early - update your notes in the rsvp or post a comment of what your doing.

I would love to go out after to somewhere and talk if anyone is up for that. There will be an intermission at the event.


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