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From: user 7.
Sent on: Friday, November 30, 2012, 4:24 PM
I bought the book AJAX and Flash Development with Open Laszlo by Coremans.
I'm stuck on page 10.

It says to put https://localhost:...­
in my browser. I get this error: "The requested page
"/lps-x.y.z/laszlo-e­xplorer/index.jsp" could not be found."

The error comes back on an Acquia Drupal page. I just installed Acquia
Drupal successfully. It works for Drupal when I put
https://localhost:...­ in the browser address bar.

I've tried various things, such as
https://localhost:...­ (3.2 is the
version number) to no avail. Notice that I changed 8080 to 8082, since
that works with Drupal.

I just now tried


https://localhost:...­ Files/OpenLaszlo Server

and got the response

Forbidden   You don't have permission to access /C:/Program
Files/OpenLaszlo Server 3.2/Server/lps-3.2/l­aszlo-explorer/index­.jsp on
this server.

this time on a plain page, with no mention of Drupal. Does that mean I'm
getting closer? When I try the same thing with 8080 I get an Unable to
Connect error.

Suggestions will be appreciated.

Jerry Kassebaum

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