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Re: [opensource-62] OSSat possible new location: Central Market!

From: user 3.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 22, 2007, 7:04 AM
The location mentioned above sounds great, and I don't think a lack of wifi would be a big deal to overcome. But my only problem is that I live in Dallas, and that is what has kept me from attending any meetups up until now. If the meetups were held closer to Dallas then I would be more able to attend the meetings. Are there any people who regularly attend these meetups who also live closer to downtown Dallas? Are there others on the mailing list who are in the same situation as I am, where you live closer to Dallas and would be able to attend if the meetings were held closer?

I thought I'd throw that out there since it sounds like at least some people are thinking about moving to a new location, and what better time to get that new location closer to downtown Dallas if it has to move already.

On 8/22/07, John Fields < [address removed]> wrote:
Did you guys know there are multiple "community" meeting areas upstairs
at the Central Market in Plano? I didn't until tonight. :)


* Easy tollway access (Coit & 190 in Plano)
* small playground, fenced with multi-story obstacle barn
* 2 meeting rooms that must be reserved,
* 2 areas that are public (dining tables) that can be used
* Projector screen for each meeting room (BYOP)
* meeting tables, arranged facing the screen(s)
* curtains can be drawn to eliminate glare
* not out in public (not a shouting match)
* FOOD! DRINK! a whole supermarket's worth plus ready2heat meals


* Back up to Plano (less than 10 minutes north from Atlanta Bread Co).
* not out in public for casual exposure
* No WiFi yet

The manager said they don't have public WiFi available, it just has not
been installed yet. Our presence might spur corporate, but are we
geeks or not? Cell phone+laptop+linux = portable access point for the
group. Fun project? Instructional? First one to have it running gets
a position of honor and two free breakfasts (breakfast meatloaf qualifies).

The scheduler (in catering) had already gone home for the day so I'll
inquire Wed about Sep 01.

So what say you?
John Fields

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Joshua Purcell

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