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CarWash/Cinco De Mayo Party

From: "Mr. M.
Sent on: Monday, April 30, 2012, 11:43 PM


You may or may not have heard about this weekend’s event getting cancelled as of Saturday April 28, 2012.  DISREGUARD THAT MESSAGE!!!  The event has been reinstated under different leadership and our club is more than happy to support our troops and another fellow Raider Fan Club.  So come out between 8am & 3pm for the carwash, and/or after 7pm for the Cinco De Mayo party ($5 cover charge).  “The Mayweather fight” plus the undercards will be on the tube as well.

Michael Smallwood

Gus's pizza will be having a car wash on May 5th! To help ORSBC adopt a troop! Gus's pizza never backed out and has been more than willing to accommodate the special guests regardless of what you heard! I will be there with representing for the ORSBC along with The Phoenician Raiders Booster Club that will also volunteer and help out with the cause! So come on out and support the troops!

Jennifer Jones