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New Meetup: Outdoor Enthusiasts/Snow Lovers Meet & Ski at Afton Alps

From: Sue
Sent on: Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 6:50 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for MN & WI Outdoor & Snow Lovers and the Indoor/Outdoor Enthusiasts!

What: Outdoor Enthusiasts/Snow Lovers Meet & Ski at Afton Alps

When: December 12,[masked]:00 AM

Discounted Price: $32.00 @ the bottom ticket shack

Where: Afton Alps
Peller Ave
Hastings, MN 55033

Can't make it to the MSC Winter Carnival at Indianhead in Michigan's UP and want to take early advantage of that newly purchased Afton Alps season pass? Then how about joining MeetUp members Jeanne and Keith for the day at Afton Alps?!

If you weren't one of the 40+ who took advantage of the Afton Alps season pass deal worked out by MeetUp members Theresa and Dan, don't worry, discounted lift tickets are available for $32. You can pick up your discounted lift ticket at the bottom ticket shacks by just saying you are there for the "MeetUp Group."

Jeanne and Keith have set up meeting times of 12 noon and 3:00pm in the bar at the Alps Chalet. For those of you who don't know which of the 4 chalets is the Alps one, it's the big one at the bottom of the hill.

So come on down and have a fantastic time and meet some great new friends. Happy skiing/boarding!

Learn more here:

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