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New Meetup: Paddle at Brooks Pond, North Brookfield

From: Christine
Sent on: Sunday, August 8, 2010, 6:39 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Worcester Paddling Meetup Group!

What: Paddle at Brooks Pond, North Brookfield

When: Saturday, August 21,[masked]:00 AM, launch by 10:15

Paddle Brooks Pond in North Brookfield

(Sorry, this trip size limited due to parking limitations...)

Beautiful and quiet pond with an intricate shoreline, also a stretch of river at the north end. We'll be on the water approximately 1 1/2 hours.

To get there, I suggest going on and mapping Brooks Pond Road, North Brookfield, you'll see where the pond touches the road at the southern tip, that's where the parking and launch area are. You can either take Rt 148 to Brooks Pond Rd, or Rt 31 to Northwest Rd to Brooks Pond Rd.

Reminder: PFDs required to be worn.

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