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Runic half month of Kenaz begins

From: Torvald
Sent on: Thursday, September 17, 2009, 10:12 PM
Today (September 13th) begins the runic month of Kenaz. Drawn as the numerical "less than" sign, Kenaz represents the singular concept of the torch. In deeper meaning, it represents the fire of creation. Following the rune representing a journey, Kenaz stands for the "Eureka!" at the end of solving a problem or the result of taking that journey represented by the previous rune, Raidho. Ponder this meaning until September 29th.


runic extra:

I usually don't try to put too many personal spins on the runes as each one represents a personal mystery. As such, it is truly up to the one studying the runes to stumble across each deeper meaning of the 24 staves of the Elder Futhark.

This last week, I was coming to the end of Raidho and I still felt the need to not let go of the thought process. As each month cyclically returns, ponderance on each rune allows the subconscious, and perhaps even the unconscious, to delve deeper into the wisdom hidden within each rune. I felt particularly puny in the first few days of the month; puny mentally. I thought I might be coming down with the flu, but that slowly subsided after three days. In the process, I kept reminding myself to update the runic month but I couldn't allow myself to do so. Why?

Today, it came to me. The Japanese have an esoteric concept summarized in a word called Satori. It is a conclusion to a problem that vexes and individual and then, in a flash, the solution comes for no real reason. I often summarize Raidho, the wagon or cart, as a deeper concept of a journey taken. And, having studied the consecutive meaning of the order of the runes for several years, I finally snapped to Kenaz also being that Satori moment as a solution to the mental journey of solving a problem. The "problem" is different for each person and there are many more than one. Representing the fork in the road of every crossroad encountered, Raidho is not only the road taken, but, if allowed to eventually arrive at the same crossroad and take the path not taken, the rune is the journey down the alternate path.

When given the concept that the last rune, Othala, represents the total sum of all experiences in life, and the order of the runes lay out as a beginning to end road map of how to fulfill personal fate, it makes me think about all the times that I drive to a similar place; always taking the same or slightly different route. Eventually, for no real reason, I find the urge to take an even different road just to see what there is to see down that path. In taking the road not traveled (sorry, Mr. Frost), I get to see something new, something I've never seen and may not ever see again. When that happens, I have always taken the time to revel in that experience to the point that I always vocalize, "Hey, I get to see something new today."

This may not seem to be all that exciting to anyone else, but, in my thought processes, being able to quantify this particular set of events within the order of the concepts of runic expression really astounds me. Plus, though minor, it leads to a euphoric feeling ? taking that road not taken. It brings a small bit of joy into my mind where, often, my mental processes tend to push joy aside. And when you tend to feel good about yourself, you tend to feel good towards others. When you feel good towards others, you express yourself in the giving of a gift; which is the next runic expression. But don?t do that until the 29th.

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