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Flu vaccine information

From: Torvald
Sent on: Thursday, September 24, 2009, 9:35 AM
from Spark, LVN...

There is a lot of hyperbole around right now in the media regarding the flu - both the regular "seasonal" variety and the "pandemic" variety known alternately as H1N1/Swine Flu.

Some clarifications from what you have heard in the media (which seems to change every other day) so you can make an informed decision for yourself and your family:

1) The flu SHOT is NOT indicated for children under the age of 10. The Flumist (nasal inhaler) is much more effective in helping to prevent the flu for this age group.

2) Flumist-type vaccines are NOT effective for those over age 50; only the shot will provide some protection for this age group.

3) The standard seasonal flu shot gives approxiamtely a 40-60% immunity to the swine/H1N1 flu inherent in the vaccine because they are cousin viruses. This has NOT been reported in the media because as we have seen in other ailments, there is money to be made in an extra vaccine.(Info for this is found directly on the package insert in the Flulaval(the seasonal vaccine)box.

4) The standard flu shot gives only a 70% immunity to the seasonal flu virus. It can take up to 2 weeks to fully integrate itself in your system.

5) People over the age of 60 have a built-in set of antibodies and an immunity to the H1N1/Swine flu virus due to an exposure during the 1950's.

6) The flu shot is preserved with Thermisol, a derivative of Mercury, which is a heavy metal found in large game fish such as Tuna, Shark, sworfish, etc. This heavy metal is a toxin and is NOT normal to be found in the human body in amounts over 0.025micrograms, a very tiny amount. The flu vaccine contains 25 micrograms per dose.

7) You should not take the flu shot if you have an allergy to: eggs or latex; if you have a history of Guillainne-Barre syndrome ( a neuromuscular disorder); any form of compromised immune system (Lupus, HIV, RA, etc) Unless your MD advises otherwise.
-Again, all info located in the package insert of the Flulaval box.

8) Remember the BEST form of protection is frequent hand washing, eating a balanced diet on most days, getting plenty of rest & fluids and some form of excercise on most days.

9) Having an active & healthy immune system is your best defense. Keeping your immune system healthy is best done as described in #8. If you get the flu, STAY HOME, drink plenty of fluids, rest and take as much protien as you can - peanut butter, dairy products, meat, legumes, etc.

If you get the flu despite all your precautions, it means your system was due for a tune-up and Darwin found you anyway :)

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