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Reminder: Solstice Ocean Drum Healing Ceremony

From: Tasara
Sent on: Wednesday, June 16, 2010, 4:35 PM
Looks like it's going to be a big one.  Bring your love, some wood if you don't need to be a musician for sure!

bless you,

On Jun 8, 2010, at 4:21 PM, Tasara wrote:

We are doing it again.

Drum, Rattle, Didj, Dance, Song, Flute, Ocean Healing Ceremony 
 on Summer Solstice Eve
Sunday, June 20th, 6PM
Golden Gardens
8499 Seaview Place Northwest
Seattle, WA
{{look for drummers in the section of the beach near the park entrance}}

Come to Golden Gardens RAIN OR SHINE with your noise makers and ecstatic bodies to send loving energy to the oceans and all our sisters and brothers that live there.

We will form a circle at 6PM and drum at length until we feel done. 
We could be there into the night. 
The more people that come, the larger the circle and power of healing there will be. 
YOU ARE THE CIRCLE. Please come if you can.

Though our expression is unguided our focus and intent will be one: 

- Healing for the Ocean People 
- Acknowledgment of our Human selves in part responsibility for the oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico
- Acknowledgment and reinforcement of our own Divinity in our place of the great web.

This is a devotional activity. This is a healing circle of giving as well as receiving for it is in both gratitude and love that the healing energies can flow. Feel free to hold your own meditations with your friends at your end of the circle. All expressions: joy, grief, sorrow, love, determination, welcome.

Yes! You can cook food on the fire.
Yes! You can put things on the altar.
Yes! You can bring your kids.
Yes! You can dance to the ocean in the circle. You can even make up ocean chants.
Let's all wear OCEAN COLORS!!  :D
..and do bring your flyers for the networking table, for community, spiritual, environmental awareness, drum offerings


Please post to all your networks!!!!  RSVP to Tasara or on FB at: 
If you already have private Summer Solstice Ceremonies planned, I encourage you to bring your ceremony to Golden Gardens and then join us at the Ocean Drum Healing circle when you are done.  
What a joy for us all to be there together!

We NEED help to hold space when it is starting, to bring wood, to load/unload cars of supplies, make ocean banners, etc.
This is a wonderful way to be of service to your community.. and meet really neat people! 
Contact [address removed]

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