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New Meetup: Long run (26 km/16 mi) - marathon training ON SATURDAY

From: Axel
Sent on: Tuesday, September 1, 2009, 12:12 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Paris Running Meetup Group!

What: Long run (26 km/16 mi) - marathon training

When: September 5,[masked]:00 AM

Rotonde de la Villette
Place Stalingrad

ATTENTION: due to a scheduling conflict on sunday, THIS WEEK'S LONG TRAINING RUN WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY.
We will resume sunday runs next week.

Fall marathons are approaching, so we need to get some long weekend runs in. Let's meet at 10:00am at Rotonde de la Villette (metro Stalingrad or Jaur?s), by the fountain in the middle, for a 26-km (16-mi) run along canal de l'Ourcq, with pleasant sceneries and no cars. We'll simply run 13 km on the cycling/running trail and turn around.
I won't be carrying my phone with me this time, so look for the runner with a gray "Team in Training" running cap. If two pace groups form, what I will do is run with the fast group to the turn-around point and wait for the others there, and run back with them. Please bring your own water - be aware that there is a drinking fountain at the 2 mile mark, one at the 4.5 mile mark, and another at about 7.5 mi.
I will have my car, so you can bring a bag and fresh clothes to leave in it so you can change after the run.
Please be on time, we will only wait about 5 minutes before we take off.
You can view the (approximate) course at
Any questions, feel free to email me!

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