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Medical Certificate

From: Brian
Sent on: Monday, February 8, 2010, 10:29 PM
With the warm weather approaching (eventually), the racing season will soon start. Consequently, many are asking about medical certificates. For any athletic event in Europe whether it is a 10K, marathon, triathlon, participants need either a medical certificate or license. A medical certificate is a note from a doctor stating that the participant is healthy enough to participate in the event. A license is issued by the sports governing body that allows the athlete to participant in any event during the calendar year.

To get a medical certificate, you need to go to a doctor. To get a license, you also need to go to a doctor but also join a club which will cost, at least, ?180.

In one sense, a medical certificate is cheaper and easier but everyone has heard horror stories i.e. the certificate is too old or doesn't say competition thus cannot partake in the event or need to go to a doctor on the day which is never cheap. There are never such issues with a license.

In short, if you plan on doing several events, a license is probably a wise investment.

As mentioned previously, to get a license, you need to join a club. There are several running or triathlon clubs in the Paris area such as the Racing Club of France, Stade Fran?ais and expaTRI?s. As the directeur sportif for expaTRI?s, I am partial to the last but, to be fair, have to mention alternatives. However we are a club for English speakers. There are several clubs in the surrounding area as well.

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