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Let's Roll this Saturday! Bike ride to benefit child cancer patients

From: Myra J.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 9, 2015, 4:21 PM

Hi guys!

What are you up to Saturday?

Meet me at Terry Hershey Park 15200 Memorial Drive Houston Texas 77079 for a 20 mile social ride for a great cause!

100% of the proceeds benefit the Candlelighters, a 501c3 that provides support to families that have children with cancer.

We are having a Post Ride Cool Down Party sponsored by Fit Fuel that includes an instructor lets stretch class, lunch, giveaways, music and more.

Click here to register: $20 Adults, $10 kids and there are group discounts. Registration includes a tshirt, goodybag and entry into the post ride cool down party

*I need a couple of volunteers and of course let's all sign up!!! My cell is[masked] if you have any questions!




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