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Re: [patriots-33] Allegations

From: Brian
Sent on: Wednesday, September 12, 2007, 3:33 PM
It's my understanding that they were doing this but they aren't/weren't the only team doing it.  Zach Thomas admitted as much in the locker room after the Dolphins beat the Pats last year 21-0.  he said something to the effect that they had all the calls and said they got them by matching up audio and video sources.  consider the impact of that, pats win, they host the colts in the AFC championship game and Peyton is still looking for ring #1 but they go on to lose and we all know what happened.  i'm not surprised they (Pats or Dolphins & Bill's buddy Saban) were doing this but I am surprised and a little disappointed they kept doing it after specifically being told not to by the league.  consider that Brady only got hit once during the entire game sunday, i mean the OL and Brady are good but not that good.  they probably would still have won the game but i think they had to know what the Jets D was doing.

Sharon <[address removed]> wrote:
What is going on with the cheating allegations.  Do we actually do this?  If so, that makes me feel really disappointed.  What does everyone think about this?

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