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New Meetup: 1st April Meet up

From: Juan
Sent on: Thursday, March 4, 2010, 7:59 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Portland Shiba Inu Meetup Group!

What: 1st April Meet up

When: Sunday, April 4,[masked]:00 PM

Normandale Park
57th and Halsey
Portland, OR 97213

I will be in the Bahamas until the end of the month so I am going to schedule a meet up for April.

Hopefully Rus or Taka can get a meet up going for March in the meantime.

I also plan to have a pot luck style meetup at my home this spring, there is lots of space with six foot fencing all around. When the warmer weather is here it would be nice to have some more quality time with members as dogs play and have fun.

Hope to see many of you soon.


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