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Net Tuesday September 2: Podcasting and Videoblogging

From: Seth H.
Sent on: Monday, August 25, 2008, 8:48 PM
Join us for our next Net Tuesday gathering on September 2 to learn, share and imagine the possibilities of podcasting and videoblogging . We?ll have a dynamic discussion of these technologies so that:

  • Newbies can learn what these technologies are all about, and how to get started
  • Experienced podcasters and videobloggers can share tips, insights and challenges
  • Nonprofit activists can discuss how these technologies might help advance their cause
  • All of us can envision how these empowering tools might help us express our thoughts, feelings and dreams

The facilitated discussion will be kicked off by two experienced practitioners:

Rod Murray on podcasting. Dr. Rod Murray is an educational technology leader with 20 years of experience, mostly at Thomas Jefferson University where he teaches pharmacology to 2nd year medical students. He produces a podcast on e-learning technology, Rod's Pulse Podcast, with over 70 episodes so far. Rod also does web technology consulting with his company, MCS Consulting.

David Kessler on videoblogging. David S Kessler is a fine artist and filmmaker who has been using videoblogging as a medium and a means of distribution for his own work. He is currently working on a body of video work that explores the people and places that David encounters under the El tracks of Kensington, Philadelphia, called Shadow World. And more of David?s work can be found at Studioscopic.

As usual, our meeting will start at 6:30 PM at Independents Hall, the co-working space located at 32 Strawberry Street in Olde City (between 2nd and 3rd, and Market and Chestnut).

And this meeting has an extra something special. We want to give a big Thank You to this meeting?s ?beverage sponsor?: LIVE Energy Drinks, which donates 50% of the profit from every purchase directly to charity, which means every purchase is an opportunity to contribute to a cause. They?ve donated a case of drinks to our Net Tuesday meeting. (Plus we?ll have the usual snacks.)

It would be great, but not necessary, if you can RSVP via this Meetup page. Feel free to just show up.

Should be a fun, stimulating and delicious evening. Hope to see you there.


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