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"Take A Breath" Retro Pin - update - please read the paypal info and Jax Jewels info

From: Michelle T.
Sent on: Friday, September 14, 2012, 11:44 PM

Studio 3E is hosting "Take A Breath".

Studio 3E is donating studio time for a Special Fund Raiser Event for photographer/group member Amanda Brown and her husband, Nick Brown, who is need of a double lung transplant. The theme for the shoot out is Retro Pinup – Old School on Saturday, October 6, 2012. The shootout will run from 10:00 AM - 2:00PM and will include various models all decked out in glorious pinup style.

**Pizza and beverages will be provided.**

This event is targeted for photographers of all skill levels. The purpose of the fund raiser event collect donations for The Brown Family and give photographers an opportunity to shoot in a professional studio setting with the fun theme of Retro Pinup - Old School. Studio 3E is a fun and creative environment and the perfectlocation for a Pinup style shoot.

Lets pay homage to some of the great pinup masters... Gil Elvgrin, Alberto Vargas, Rolf Armstrong, Earl Moran, Zoe Mozert, Harry Ekman & Haddon Sundblom to only name a few.
Some themes under consideration:
◦ Picnic
◦ Fireman
◦ Cookout
◦ Cowgirl
◦ Artist
◦ Patriotic (Red, white & blue)
◦ Military (Navy, sailors hat)
◦ Sports (Baseball, tennis, football)
**BTW.... this will be a "rated PG" shoot.
Licensed Makeup Artists’ Hillary Warren and Lauren Valdez will be onsite to assist with that old school look.

**Makeup kits will be provided by Abundant body and Soul (Independent Arbonne Consultant)

Date: October 6, 2012
Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Cost: $30.00 per person = paypal link (ALL proceeds will go directly to paypal or a special bank account set up for The Brown Family specifically for donations.) [Closed the parenthesis] Paypal: [masked]

*LensFly will also be onsite for photographers to borrow a wide variety of lenses while shooting in a professional studio environment.

***Reserve your spot today***

From Amanda Brown:
“Nick is 26 and has battled his whole life with a genetic disease called Cystic Fibrosis. Cf affects his lungs and pancreas and is a progressive disease. At the age of 26 Nicks lung function is only at 14 percent, and will only get worse. Just recently Nick got AMAZING news that he will be listed for a double lung transplant, it is an opportunity of a lifetime. After the transplant, Nick will then be able to run, play football, hit the gym again and even better start a family. The transplant team has asked us to raise a minimum of $5k and we are so close to hitting our goal. What we raise will help with our post transplant funds, as we have to live in Gainesville, FL for 4-5 months for post transplant therapy. We will have an apartment and living expenses in Gainesville, but will continue to have the expenses of our home here in Jacksonville, FL.”

If you are unable to attend the event but would still like to make a donation please feel free to donate to the special paypal.

Paypal: [address removed]

Please don't forget to send your payment via PayPal to the Brown family as a GIFT so they doesn't loose 3% to PayPal fee's!
The PayPal email is [address removed] make sure you put your name and RETRO PIN UP in as a comment so she knows who has paid up and what event it's for!

**All payments are considered donations, therefore no refunds will be issued**

Paypal: [address removed]

MODEL RSVP'S SO FAR (Subject to change)

Model RSVPS:

1. Kristie Neubauer
2. Samantha Amador
3. Emm Pittman
4. Lady Rosetta Fire
5. Brianna Lee
6. Jami Danielle Caccam
7. Andrea Bridges
8. Anthony Davis
9. Emma St.jean
10. Faith Gabrielle Doski
11. Alana Slater
12. Ava Elizabeth Gabbard
13. David Carter
14. Krysten Johnson
15. Cynthia Sandiford
16. Autumn Quinn
17. Alysia Leon
18. Jenifer Rose Carter
19. Krystal Giddings
20. Caitlyn Hightower
21. Niza Idimah
22. Moni Marie-Model
23. Rachel Ice
24. Florica Grabulis
25. Gentri Billotte
26. Michelle Joy Nixon
27. Amanda Like
28. Ethan D. Gosselin
29. VioletDamsel Ingram

I have a VERY exciting announcement!!!
Jax Jewels will be at the Retro Pin Up event with some very special pieces of Jewelry for the models to wear during the shoot... and as an even bigger bonus Jax Jewels will be selling their pieces at the shoot and 25% of that days proceeds will be donated to Nick and Amanda Brown!!!! The pieces cost anywhere from $10-$60+. I'm going to bring a little extra cash that day, I cant wait to see what she has available to sell and what the models can use during the shoot.

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