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*****PHP Meeting.

From: Kichiji
Sent on: Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 10:14 PM
Hello everyone,

There is a meeting in the near future. It will take place on
Tuesday, May 20th, at 7:30pm, at The Kensington Pub,[masked]A Street NW

Please go NOW and RSVP at:

Please go now and vote in our polls at:

Please give me more suggestions for future locations.

I made an interesting discovery recently. There is a page on that ranks the groups according to their size. This group is one of the top 70 largest groups in Calgary! There is
no reason that this group should not be a successful group. This means most of us are just
lurking, but not coming out to the meetings. If even half of the active members come out to the
meeting on May 20th, we will have about 10 people. Let's do that!

I am looking forward to seeing us all at the meetings!
