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PHP UK Conference 2011 registration and Call For Papers, and a different venue for this month's meeting

From: Dave N.
Sent on: Monday, November 1, 2010, 5:35 PM
Hello there,

Just to let you know that registration for our 2011 event began today, with a special 'blindbird' price of ?90 ex. VAT during the month of November (while our Call For Papers takes place), the same initial price that we had in both 2009 and 2010, which we've kept low for our regulars. The standard price will be ?130 ex. VAT (and VAT itself goes up in 2011!), so there's a big saving to be made by registering a few months in advance:

As just mentioned, we've also opened up our Call For Papers for speakers, so if you're interested in talking (and all the perks and benefits that come with it), please head over to our CFP page for all the details and to submit your information - you have until the end of this month (November):

In case you hadn't heard, we're going to be using the same venue as 2010 - the Business Design Centre in Islington, this time hoping to fully pack/sell out the main auditorium. Also, we recently finally put all the audio recordings and slides (that we have) from the talks at this year's event online on the conference website - you can find them at:

Our other big announcement this month is that due to a prior booking, we're not able to use our regular venue for our first-Thursday-of-the-month meeting, and so instead are trying out a larger space at another central London pub. So on Thursday from 7pm we'll be meeting at Doggett's Coat And Badge, on the south side of the river by Blackfriars Bridge, a short walk from Southwark station (Blackfriars is currently closed), with Waterloo, Temple, Mansion House, St. Pauls, City Thameslink and London Bridge stations nearby.

The main talk will be from Dave Ingram about using OAuth with PHP. As always, more information about the meeting and the venue are on our wiki (and remember to follow the instructions if you'd like to be in the regular prize draw):

And you can also state your intention to attend on various other event services, should you want to maximise your networking potential etc.:

See you on Thursday, and/or February 25th!


Communications Manager / Registration Manager
PHP London / PHP UK Conference 2011 /

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