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MongoDB User Group with Derick Rethans

From: user 3.
Sent on: Thursday, December 22, 2011, 4:24 PM

Hi all! Happy Holidays

I wanted to let you know that Derick Rethans, a long time PHP and MongoDB contributor, will be giving a talk in London on January 31, along with Dwight Merriman CEO of 10gen and initiator of the MongoDB project. 

The details are below, we look forward to seeing some of you there!

January 31, 7:00 PM 
10gen London
Suite 115, 200 Aldersgate Street, EC1A 4HD

RSVP through meetup

Derick Rethans, PHP and MongoDB

Derick Rethans has contributed in a number of ways to the PHP project, including the Xdebug debugging tool, the mcrypt, date and input-filter extensions, bug fixes, additions and leading the QA team. He's now working with 10gen to help improve the MongoDB PHP driver, which his talk will be focused around.

Happy Holidays! 

Francesca Krihely | 10gen
Skype: FrancescaMongoDB

Mongo Los Angeles is happening January 19th! Join us or propose a talk
We're hiring! Come build great things with us

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