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What we’re about

Once we were the Phoenix Faerie, building a network of fae loving people and fae aspected beings in the arid southwest.  It is in that core's memory that the meetup group's name remains.  We sought to replenish ourselves and others with the wellspring of Myth, Story, Art and Community.

We met at coffee houses to design random acts of senseless beauty, promote mystery, and share lore.

Representatives of our group connected with fae folk around the country through faerie festivals and supported our own local event, the Phoenix Faerie Festival which served as a focal point for our efforts.

We realized that there were so many other sorts of entities and otherkin out there though.  That the internet actually promotes division into smaller and smaller subgroups, subclassifications and cliques.  It funnels us towards those that they mostly agree with us while walling us away or setting us up as adversaries to those we don't.

Our festival was renamed the OtherWorlds Festival as we reached out to all the Other entities and Other possibilities.  To a world made stronger and richer by a diversity of viewpoints and rich taxonomy of different entities.

Let us remember.  To the average person, we are all OtherFolk.