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From: Erik
Sent on: Monday, January 2, 2012, 9:46 AM


Happy New Year to all you Active Bodies!! 


It's time to re-invigorate yourselves!  If you haven't been here in a while we've made some changes. We have great classes with some very talented and enthusiastic instructors!  They all love what they do and their enthusiasm is infectious. You are guaranteed to have an enjoyable and rewarding workout!


I will be teaching a new high intensity interval training (HIIT) class that will KICK YOUR A$$!  It's 30 minutes of pure adrenaline and sweat!!  This is for you SERIOUS Active Bodies who want to take your workouts to the next level. Research shows that HIIT will KEEP your metabolism stimulated for 36 hours AFTER the workout!  Check the calendar for days and times (early mornings and evenings will be offered).


You should be here getting your sweat on!!



$12 - Single class

$35 - 4 Classes

$44 - Monthly (unlimited classes)


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask! I try to check email once or twice daily (sorry I'm usually training or teaching).  For a quicker response please call the office:[masked]  If I can't get to the phone PLEASE leave a message and I will return your call as soon as I finish the training session.


Thank you and I look forward to seeing you here!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!




[address removed]

[address removed]


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