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New Meetup: Fox and Hound (North Hills)

From: Brooke
Sent on: Wednesday, August 11, 2010, 9:30 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Pittsburgh Beer Meetup!

What: Fox and Hound (North Hills)

When: Tuesday, September 14,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Fox and Hound Pittsburgh
2002 Northway Mall McKnight Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15237

I?ll be honest?Fox and Hound is not what I would consider one of the premier ?beer destinations? in the Pittsburgh area (they are a chain, after all), but I think they have a decent enough selection to appease our group for an evening and it?s a fun space that?s large enough to allow us to spread out and enjoy each others? company. Some of their ?non-mainstream? selections (i.e. Coors Light, Miller Lite, etc.) include Bass Ale, Guinness, Harp, Newcastle Brown Ale, Red Fox Amber, and Stella Artois. The best part is that we?re going on a Tuesday, which is $2 Draft night! That?s right! All draft beers will be sold for the low low price of just $2 each! In addition, they?ll offer select appetizers at half-price from 5-7. (I set the event start time for 6:30, but a few members have been in the habit of showing up a little early to the past few events, so chances are, you?ll run into someone from our group if you come earlier than 6:30.)

The F&H food menu is along the same lines as T.G.I. Fridays ? typical American fare such as potato skins, burgers, and pizza but with a twist thrown in every once in a while. The ?Sports, Spirits & Fun? atmosphere caters largely to sports enthusiasts ? both spectators (lots of satellite tv?s), and players (a whole room set aside for pool tables) ? but the space is big enough for all to enjoy whether there?s a game on or not.

Reviews: Pubcrawler/Yelp

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