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Upcoming Events -- bada event (giveaways!), Flashon Mobile Partner Event

From: Plug and Play Tech C.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 2:16 PM
Hello Mobile Enthusiasts,

At this Thursday's event, each attendee will receive a free bada Developer Guide and we'll be giving away one Samsung Wave! The technical session will be covering actual code and go through a more in depth analysis of the technical nature of the platform, so engineers are encouraged to attend the event.

On November 11th we will be having a special cohosted event with Keith Sutton of Adobe. Those of you who were at our last flash event will remember Keith and Ted Patrick had a lot of mobile devices and a lot of things in the works. This next event should be more of the same. Focusing on Flash on Android, the Flashon group will help demonstrate how to deploy flash on android, tweak your flash app for mobile, and get it on the Android market.

Event Agenda: October 21, 2010 @6PM
Networking with Samsung Mobile Innovator ? Get some one on one time with the SMI team and check out the latest Samsung devices

Samsung updates

bada technical session
- Meet the bada SDK
- UI basics in bada

Apps from the bada forest

Event: November 11
In this session you will learn how to build engaging, social applications that run on Android devices using Adobe Flash technology. We will cover topics specific to targeting mobile Android devices, including input methods, hardware inputs, deployment, and performance optimization. You will also learn tips and tricks on boosting sales of your application and monetizing your traffic.

What you?ll learn:
Deployment of Flash and AIR to Android
How to take your desktop Flash games and adapt them for mobile devices
How to deploy your application on the Android Market
Best practices for mobile performance tuning and optimization

Stephen Chin is a prominent figure in the JavaFx world and technical expert in RIA technologies (Flash, Flex, and JavaFX), and Director of Software Engineering at GXS. He coauthored the Apress Pro JavaFX Platform title, which is the current leading technical reference for JavaFX. In addition, Stephen runs the very successful Silicon Valley JavaFX User Group, which has hundreds of members and tens of thousands of online viewers. Finally, he is a Java Champion and an internationally recognized speaker featured at Devoxx, Jazoon, and JavaOne, where he received a Rock Star Award.

James Young (linkedin) is the lead developer of FarmVille, worked on Texas Hold'em Poker, and is currently working on a social game and another social based application.

Networking at 6:30 and presentation starts at 7:00

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