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New Workshop: Learn to DANCE Cuban Salsa (Rueda de Casino)

From: George
Sent on: Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 11:43 PM
Announcing a new Workshop for Portland Salsa Meetup!

What: Learn to DANCE Cuban Salsa (Rueda de Casino)

When: Saturday, April 17,[masked]:00 PM

Lenoras Ballroom
615 SE Alder St Entrance on SE 6th. Upstairs on the 3rd Floor
Portland, OR 97214


Have you been at Andrea's Cha Cha or at another venue and someone starts dancing Salsa with you but it feels um different! Well there is a possibility that they are dancing Cuban Salsa with you. Well what am I dancing now you say? I can tell you that you are dancing Salsa but that there are so many flavors that you probably haven't explored yet.

Its time to Salsa - Cuban Style!

Una Bulla! Learn this very fun style of dancing as if you were in Havana! Cuban Salsa is a very energized style with lots of great body movement and crazy (in a fun way) moves. Learn moves known as Guapea, Dile Que No, Vacilala, Enchufla, Exhibela and many many others. At the end of this class you'll do the same moves in a Rueda (Circle), better known as Rueda de Casino and exchange partners and just have fun! Una Bulla!

$20 (Save $5 off if you sign up before the day of the workshop)
To sign up for the workshop send an email to [address removed] or RSVP through this Facebook event.

Bring comfortable clothes and a bottle of water.

This class will also get you prepped to enjoy a fabulous night of Cuban Salsa with the Portland Casino Fridays Group @ Paradise Ballroom every Friday night or with Rumbanana at their monthly "One Night in Cuba" party @ Aztec Willie's on the 1st Friday of the month.

Learn more here:

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