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dodgeball Update for this Sat. Jan. 5th

From: James "Big Butch" G.
Sent on: Thursday, January 3, 2013, 3:43 PM

Hey folks,

We will be hosting our first dodgeball open practice & registration this Saturday Jan. 5th and next Saturday Jan. 12th for those that are interested in playing dodgeball for our league.  THIS IS NOT A TRY OUT AND NO ONE WILL BE CUT!  This is simply a time when everyone can try out the sport to see if this is something you would want to do.

Teams will and have been formed but we still need folks to add to our rosters.  The open practice is free of charge but there is a fee to actually join the league.  The rules can be found by going to and the practice will take place at the William Bean Community Center located at 5108 Dianna Drive  Suitland, MD 20746 (one mile from the Census Bureau) from 2:00pm-4:00pm.

Remember, this is an all male, all female, all boys and all girls league (kids ages 10-16) and everyone is invited to play.  If you have any questions please text or call me at [masked].

